New to hypnosis? Start with these.This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old
You know your place, don't you love? Deep down inside you know how natural it feels to obey. To submit. To surrender your control to someone else, and sink willingly under their command. I'm going to take you even deeper into those feelings, and help you become what you were always meant to be. So relax. Give in. Submit. As the title suggest, this file has heavy themes of obedience and submission. It will help condition you to find submission even more pleasurable and natural. Triggers: "Listen and obey" makes you feel obedient and submissive. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Lets shatter your brain today! using some fantastic white noise and my soothing voice to fractionate your mind over and over! SUPER IMPORTANT!!! Fractionation can be VERY potent stuff so please please PLEASE make sure you give yourself plenty of time to relax after with plenty of water too! Enjoy responsibly Trigger: Sink Deep for me This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Conditions you to Apollo's voice, reminds you how good it feels to submit to the voices of authority in your life. Encourages you the habit of daily listening to the file. Trigger: Will you serve (when used by anyone you trust) Submission can be intense, and sometimes coming down from that is difficult. Your submission is beautiful and I appreciate it, so I made this little file to say thank you.
No words, just some gentle music to help you relax if you need a little aftercare. Please note: if you are experiencing sub drop and there's no one around to help, this article may be a useful resource: This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Sometimes my poor little playthings have a hard time falling asleep at night. This file is to help you relax and slip quietly from trance into slumber. There are no triggers in this file. It is not erotic, but it does have some mild themes of obedience and submission. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
A countdown, that becomes attached to your arousal, compels you to masturbate. You may climax but if you don't it is suggested that you listen to the file again. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
With the help of a metronome, I will leave you fractionated, mindless, and empty. You'll drop so deep for me and then come right back up, and down. And up. And down. And up. I think you get the idea. Just give me your attention, and let me break that pesky little brain of yours. This file uses fractionation and lots of fingersnaps to drop you very deep and leave you in a mindless, relaxed state. There is no explicitly erotic content, but there are several references to obedience and submission. Triggers: "Tick Tock" followed by a finger snap will return you to the mindless, fractionated state induced by the file. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Saying "I am not hypnotized" will cause your mind to go black, arousal to grow and a compulsion for edging. Trigger: Whenever Apollo says "You are not hypnotized" it induces the same state as the file. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Motivational file, where you build a temple in your mind for Apollo. You use the temple to set goals for yourself and Apollo motivates you to reach those goals. Triggers: Thinking of doors brings you back to the temple. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Makes obedient pets that want to serve. There is an option for cat, dog or rabbit. One of my many artifact relics to help you meet, greet and submit to your inner animal! Trigger: "Good pet" (said by Apollo or anyone you trust) will make you more submissive and go into a light trance. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
This is a bondage file, gently wrapping in and controlled by a red silk string. Trigger: "Red silk string" Only works when said by Apollo. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
This file has very heavy obedience themes. Your will to resist is connected to a candle, as it melts you become more and more obedient. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Some obedience themes but mainly a relaxation file, uses a simple countdown to help you relax and drift. Doesn't wake you up right away but contains a suggestion for you to wake up when you are ready. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
I got some requests to make a non-hypnotic file where I just talk for a while so that people can enjoy listening to my voice while going about their day and not worry about dropping into trance (which is adorable, by the way). So here's 20 minutes or so of me answering random questions from Curios Cat. Like I said, it's mostly non-hypnotic and isn't interested to put anyone in trance, but I do break out my tist voice a couple of times, so take care if you're particularly susceptible. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Another non-hypnotic file for people who want a way to listen to my voice without worrying about dropping into trance. Just half an hour of me answering questions from Curious Cat. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Heavy fractionation file, recommended to listen when you have a lot of time, or have an alarm set to break the loop. Ends with a suggestion to replay the file. There is a suggestion that the fingersnaps are addictive, for the most the suggestion only lasts within the loop. There are suggestions that you'll want to listen whenever you have time. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
You like spirals, don't you? It feels so good to relax and let your thoughts swirl away, to lose yourself in that endless cycle. Let me take you even deeper into those feelings. Spirals will become so much more arousing for you, so much more pleasurable. So find a spiral and enjoy edging your mind away. This file is for people who want to feel aroused while staring into spirals. It will make you feel a compulsion to look at spirals, and to edge yourself while doing so. It also contains the suggestion to be unable to climax while looking at spirals. There are not triggers in this file, but it is very interactive. It includes suggestions to touch yourself and to repeat a mantra. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Straight forward game of resistance, plays with some triggers from other flies. It's not necessary to listen to the other files first. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
You find yourself strapped to a table, willingly of course. Some light medical themes. Triggers: "Breathe deep the vapors" This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Thinking is bad. I think we can both agree on that, can't we? It takes so much effort. Effort that you could be putting to much, much better use. You'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like to stop thinking. You'd like to relax and listen to my voice. That's what come naturally to you, isn't it? Mindlessness. Obedience. So relax. Let go. Boycott your brain. Another one for you snapping fans. This is a relatively straightforward file focused on helping you feel mindless, entranced and obedient. There isn't much in the way of explicitly sexual content, but there is an emphasis on submission. I introduce a mantra and prompt you to speak once, but it is mostly non-interactive. There are no triggers introduced. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you're under 18
An intense relaxation/Brainwashing file that leaves you feeling like a candy brained bimbo fresh out the spa! |
Files to break your brains.This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Welcome to obedience training! We're going to turn you into such a happy, submissive little animal. Because good pets do as they're told, don't they? And I can tell you want to be a good pet for me. So it's time to earn those head pats. Let's see how obedient we can make you. This is a light transformation file that uses a dog training clicker to turn you into an obedient pet. "Pet" is very generally and can be interpreted according to your desires. This file does not have any interactive elements. Trigger: the sound of an obedience clicker will turn you into a mindless pet (only when used by Apollo or someone you completely trust) This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Another training session for all my obedient pets. Because you want to be a good little animal. Don't you? It's adorable, really. How eager you are to obey. You deserve a pat on the head. But there's another reward you want, isn't there, pet? And I suppose I might be able to help with that. IF you're good. This file builds on Clicker Training 1 and will be more effective if you have listened to that file first, but you do not need to have done so for it to work. It will make you feel like a good pet (that word is left relatively open-ended and can mean whatever you want it to mean), and condition you to feel obedient and aroused at the sound of the clicker. This is an interactive file-- it includes suggestions to hump something and/or touch yourself, and to climax. Trigger: Hearing the sound of the clicker after a command will compel you to obey. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Light bimbofication file, that is not focused on dumbing you down. It just gently pops away your thoughts with pretty pink bubbles, leaving you blank and giggly. Trigger: Pop sounds (made by Apollo or someone you trust) will pop your thoughts and cause you to giggle. There is an option to keep the trigger built into the file, or keep it temporary for only the file. There is a compulsion at the end to talk to Apollo about the file. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
ApolloTech is seeking volunteers to beta test its newest technology. We rely on the compliance of our test subjects to pioneer groundbreaking innovations in the field of cognitive manipulation. In this beta test we will install a compliance chip designed to stimulate the subject's compacity for pre-cognitive obedience. Once installed we will run several tests to measure the efficacy of this new technology, rendering the subject blissful and obedient. If you are interested in participating in this study, please apply within. Thank you for your interest in ApolloTech. This file has strong themes of obedience, and emphasizes the importance of safety and consent in submission. It includes suggestions to feel pleasure from obedience, but is not explicitly sexual. It is interactive and contains suggestions to move your arms and hands. Triggers: Installs a button in your forehead that initiates a state of blissful obedience. The word "boop" has the same effect. There is an optional suggestion for memory play-- if the subject wishes, they may choose to have all the memories of what happened when the trigger is activated automatically deleted. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Power up that obedience hard drive, bot. We have a new upgraded to install. Now I should warn you, we are having some minor stability issues with this upgrade. It goes without saying, of course, that ApolloTech would never intentionally install malware in any of our bots, but some of our upgraded bots do seem to have found themselves a bit prone to viruses. You don't need to worry about that though. I'm sure you'll be fine. This upgrade is exactly what a bot like you needs. This is a transformation file with themes of obedience and mindlessness. You will become a robot infected with a seductive bimbo virus. There is no explicitly erotic content and the file non-interactive, but there are references to obedience and submission that make it unsuitable for minors. Trigger: "Firewall breached" releases a virus that turns you into an obedient bimbo bot. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
An interesting choice, camping all by yourself in these woods Especially given the stories about this place. I've been watching you for some time, you know. Hunting you through your dreams, filling your mind with lust. You look delicious, sleeping there so peacefully. And so very helpless. This file includes heave themes of submission, addiction, objectification, teasing and denial. There is no touching, but it does include commands to feel pleasure and to edge. Triggers: "Liquid lust" causes feelings of intense pleasure and submission. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Why hello there. You look a little lost. Do you need help finding your way out of these woods? There are such frightening rumors about this place, you know. They say these are hunting grounds for--well, best not to think about that right now. Best not to think at all, in fact. What's wrong? You look a little confused. Don't worry love. I can help you. You don't really want to leave these woods anyway, do you? I can tell you'd much rather be lost. This file includes confusion, fractionation, mild gaslighting and fear, teasing and lots of submission. Oh and you fingersnap fans will enjoy this one. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
A fun walk through the woods where you meet Apollo, who mesmerizes you and bites your neck. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
First day of class where you learn to be an obedient slut! An extra special series of bimbo making bliss. A quick confusing induction leaves you baffled and feeling a bit giggly. Pay attention class! that means you Trigger: Obedient Slut (by anyone you trust) This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Welcome to Bimbo 101: History of Bimbofication. There's a long waiting list to get into this class, you're very lucky to have gotten a seat. Today we'll be going over the basics: what a bimbo is, and how to be one. There's a common misunderstanding that bimbos are stupid, but that isn't strictly true. You need a brain to have a low IQ, and a bimbo's head is full of nothing but air. Their only concern is giving pleasure-- being happy and silly and slutty for other people enjoyment. They don't need thoughts for that. Thoughts only get in the way. So let them go. Let your thoughts drift away. I think you're going to earn an A+ today. This file uses balloon visualization to take you into a trance and make you feel as if your mind is empty and your body is coated in latex. It will make you feel silly and horny and mindless. There is a bit of interactivity towards the end when you will be asked to repeat a mantra. Like all my work, this file is intended to be inclusive to all genders. I use the words "slut" and "bimbo" in a gender-neutral way, and other than that there is no gendered language. (pronouns, references to specific body parts) Trigger: "Airheaded bimbos don't need brains" will return you to the same state of mind induced by this file. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
It's your free period in Slut School! Why not take advantage of your free time to practice edging your thoughts away? After all, you want to be a good student, don't you? You'd better study up on the mindset of mindlessness. Let my thoughts become your thoughts. Empty your mind until it's full of my words. Lose yourself in the pleasure of obedience. But remember: you don't get to cum. You get to obey. You get to edge your mind away like a good slut. Enjoy your free period. I'll see you in class. This is the 3rd file in the Slut School series, but it is not necessary to listen to the first two of it to be effective. It uses a confusion induction to put you in a trance, and has strong themes of obedience and submission, as well as some light teasing. It is very interactive and contains suggestions to touch and edge yourself. It will also condition you to experience feelings of pleasure when I say "pleasure." This is not specifically a bimbofication file, but there are a couple of references to being a bimbo. It is designed to be looped and contains suggestions to listen again. Like all my work, this file is intended to be inclusive to all genders. I use the words "slut" and "bimbo" in a gender-neutral way, and other than that there is no gendered language. (pronouns, references to specific body parts) Triggers: (in this file only) when I say "pleasure:" you will moan it back. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
It's stressful having all those thoughts in your mind, isn't it Thinking is so hard. You need a break, A chance to relax. To edge your thoughts away for me like a good, mindless slut. Because deep down we both know that you don't deserve to cum. You just need to edge yourself over and over until there's nothing left int hat little brain of yours but pleasure and obedience. This file is focused on denial and edging. Using countdowns, you will be repeatedly brought to the edge of climax and then denied. It has strong themes of obedience and submission, and includes some light teasing and suggestions to touch. Like all my work, this file is intended to be inclusive of all genders. I use the words "slut" and "bimbo" in a gender-neutral way, and other than that there is no gendered language pronouns, references to specific body parts) This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
Toy transformation, compels you to contact Apollo. Contains a suggestion for interactive fingersnaps. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
This file installs the toy trigger and pink vial that coats your mind in a warm pink goo, making you aroused. There are light suggestions of addiction to the file and feeling obedient. End of the file closes the lid and returns most of the goo back into the vial. Leave gentle reminders of how goodit feels to obey. Triggers: When Apollo opens the pink vial, the pink good coats your brain again. If Apollo says toy, toys will respond " I am a toy and I love to obey" This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
This file builds on 2a but a listen to 2a is not strictly necessary. The blue vial turns you into a bot. Pink and blue vial together will make you an aroused bot. The blue vial contains nanobots that completes the robot transformation. Light suggestions of addiction to Apollo's voice. Trigger: Arousal dials (settings from 1-10, with 10 being orgasm), Opening the blue vial triggers nanobots and the response "I am a good toy and love to obey, how may I serve you Apollo?" This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
You don't really want to be a person anymore, do you love? It would feel so much better to be a doll. To be a mindless marionette that only needs to be played with and controlled. Sounds much easier thank thinking, doesn't it? it's so much easier to obey. Obedience is pleasure, after all. This file is focused on turning you into a blank, empty marionette. It has heavy themes of submission and includes commands to touch yourself, edge and (potentially) climax. There is some light teasing, but overall tone of the file is very gentle. Trigger: "Arousal puppet" will turn you into a happy, mindless marionette. This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
A follow up to "Forced Brainwashing" As the file suggests here we use a trigger given to you in a previous file to condition you deeper and deeper for that intoxicating pink fog in your brain. To be conditioned to climax, if that not the perfect dream? This file is for adults only. Do not listen if you are under 18 years old.
This is one of my first files. A gentle introduction to the world of fractionation, using numbers and snaps. |
While this file is intended for adults only it is not kinky in any aspect. BUT STILL NO MINORS
A sweet, simple file that inspires self care and anxiety relief all while making you relaxed and blissfully occupied drawing a pretty picture for me! This file is for adults only. DO NOT listen if you are under 18 years old
You're called into the bosses office. What could they possibly need now? Are they growing suspicious about your late nights? Could they possibly know you're spying?! No way! It's probably another raise or something! In this file you're interrogated by your strangely hypnotic boss..How long can you withhold your secrets from them? File includes STRONG themes of resistance play. Brainwashing and forced truth, you won't be able to contain yourself from telling Apollo everything you tried so hard to hide...What dirty secrets will you surrender? (as with all my files there's a safety in the file to suggest the strength of the brainwashing is relative to your own comfort level and you'll only have the urge to surrender your secrets for a limited time and only to me so no worries! please enjoy responsibly) |
This file is for adults only. DO NOT listen if you are under 18 years old
Ladies and gents meet the demon that lurks in my radio. Hell bent on showing you the true meaning of friendship...Err lust rather. Extremely erotic file leaving you feeling uncontrollably aroused, silly and oh so very happy. Experience longing like never before as the lust overtakes you. Be warned! Lust is a Deadly sin for a reason |